Friday, January 27, 2012

Widya's Batik Class

 I decided to take a batik class while in Bali, where the batiks are the most prized in the world. It was a super fun 3 day course! Widya is the master batik maker who teaches and runs the class. He has been doing batik for 20 years, and has had this classroom studio running every day for 10 years in his own home. It was so informative and fun! I met some wonderful people there too.

 Some pics of the outdoor studio:

 My friend Phillipa from Trinidad and Tobago

But seriously, what the heck is that?

 Lunch! Sate Ayam.

The batik process is so involved! I really found a high appreciation for this art form during my stay at the workshop. It can be as simple or complicated as you like. The basic principal of batik involves using wax as a resist, and dying the fabric to create color around where the wax is placed. You can deliver the wax to the fabric by chanting (picture below), brush, or stamp. Batik gets its beauty when you apply wax and dye multiple times to create beautiful layering effects.

Chanting tool.
Made out of copper and bamboo,
this helps deliver the wax in a thin predictable line.
Here's a video I made about the process of creating my batik. Widya helped a lot, especially with the straight lines at the borders and giving chanting demos and dye advise. I was at his studio for 3 days from 10am - 5pm. When I felt brain-dead or got exhausted at a certain points in the piece, he would often pick it up and help me work on it. I highly recommend his course!

 During the first dye.

 The first dye complete.

After a second chanting and dye.

The dyes are all natural organic, they change in the sun and the fixer!

Me and Widya with our finished masterpiece!


  1. Athena, you are a true artist. The batik is absolutely beautiful.

  2. SO AMAZING!! WOW! What a great find! That class was awesome! What a treasure to keep forever too!

  3. Thanks guys, ya I had the best time and am so glad to have found this.

  4. I have just come back from a day course with Widya and loved it too. Certainly a little hidden treasure!
