Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Beginnings

What better way to start than with a new haircut! This is giong to be functional and super easy... and wow I really like it too! In almost every big transition in my life I have cut my hair. I feel light and free both physically, and in a magic way, psychologically. Bring on the new year!

It has been an emotional week prior to my departure. Tying up a lot of loose ends and type-A over-preparing to be traveling solo has left me somewhat low on energy, but I am finding some epic reserve stores I didn't know I had. For example... I'm currently in Seoul, South Korea. It's 2am US time, I'm boarding another plane in 30 minutes and taking a 6 hour flight to Phuket, and I'm deleriously awake. I feel strangely calm and excited all at once.

Jesse has been an incredible support to me. He's been up for long hours with me many times helping me to be as prepared as I can, and being my biggest cheerleader. Thank you Jesse. I'm so thankful for you as a partner.

I'm also proud of myself... for overplanning and underplanning in what I hope are all the right ways. I am on this journey because I want to find and tell my story as a solo adventurer. I want to learn to see and honor my truth, and allow myself to be the beautiful person that I am without fear. Opening myself to new experiences and people is my goal, and welcoming in serendipity.

Only having a vague idea of my itinerary, I picked up a travel book in the airport for Phuket, the islands, and Krabi. Its an awesome one and I look forward to using it a bunch. Still haven't decided where my first stop will be...


  1. We Miss you, Let me know if you need me to come over and hurt someone !! :) we miss you !!!

  2. You look good with the short hair.
    ps. I can see Jessie from your face :) we have some expression in China which means Couples who have been together for a long time will have similar looks. Heehee
    Have a nice trip! Hebe

  3. I hope you don't have too many more big transitions in life, because then you will have to go through life bald. hahaha!!! Can't wait for you to visit me! You are the light at the end of my pregnancy tunnel.
