Saturday, January 14, 2012

The market of all markets.

On my first morning in Chiang Mai I had to find another hotel. I was worried the night before about being sick, but thanks to a handy pharmacist, amazing food, and rest, I feel 10x better! That's a relief, because I have lots of adventuring to do.

Wack up coffee... don't leave home without it.

I'm really getting the hang of walking around Thailand. Here's the secret. So, the traffic goes, lights and lines don't matter. You look for an opening.. any opening. And you walk. They go around you. That's the system, and yes a friendly Thai demonstrated for me the first few times. Using these new skills, I spent the morning looking for a guest house for my next three nights in Chiang Mai. It's high season, and most places were booked to my distress. But with a little patience and dogged persistence (despite the rain), I found a super cool and affordable spot. 
 My new chill pad, the White House.
Complete with jungle, exotic birds, Buddha shrine, honor-system refrigerator, coffee, and tea at all hours, and a centralized location. This place is awesome!!! (250B / night)

My neighbor.

 After the rain stopped, I decided to walk around the city and explore some temples. They are so elaborately crafted, and evoke a sense of wonder and respect.

 I love that Donald Duck made it to the landscaping of this Wat.

Fried ice cream for 30B, yes please!

Then I stumbled into the biggest extravaganza of shopping that I have ever seen: the Chiang Mai night market bazaar. This is a sprawling megabazaar that happens every night! It is so concentrated with vendors that you can't manage to see it all in one night, or at least I couldn't. Here's only a glimpse of it:

 Hand crafted tinwork.

 Just one small corner. Multiply this by 1000.

Genuine lady-boys rocking outfits my fellow Samba ladies and I would definitely wear!
Oh man and now I'm caught up on the blog, exhausted, and going to bed! Tomorrow: Jungle Flight. See you then!


  1. So awesome - I loved the temples the best when we were there and, of course, the dudes who look like ladies.

  2. So according to Google with 1 USD = 31.78 B, your hotel room costs about $7.68 per night. Burning a hole in your pocket at lightning speed eh?
