Friday, January 13, 2012

Krabi made me crabby.

Aaahh.. well I'm in Krabi. Which seemed to be poor planning on my part as far as being realistic about time I had to spend here. I needed 2-3 more days here at least before going to Chaing Mai.

Here's how it happened. I arrived on the boat from Phi Phi 45 minutes prior to sunset, needing to find a place to stay. Which would have been fine... except that immediately upon arrival in a freak accident I caught my fingernail in my bag and it split it right up the center more than halfway up!
 By the way, I took this shot after it was cleaned up.

That sucked for sure. I started freaking out in my head about the finger and trying to look composed on the outside so that I wouldn't be taken advantage of. After pushing through the desperate seeming taxi guys, I found a suuuper nice taxi driver who took me to a pharmacy right away and only charged me half price. They cleaned me up and sold me all the things I needed for only 80B!!! Then he showed me a cheap hotel. Turns out the next day after looking around it really was the best one. Huh, those taxi guys aren't all out to get ya I guess. It could have helped that by the time we reached the pharmacy I was crying ><. Girls crying gets you places I hear. Well, then there was a problem with an internet cafe I used and all my pictures from before Krabi were wiped from my flash drive. I have nothing left of them, I'm so sad! Best day followed by worst day. Emotionally tired, I stayed in my hotel and cried that night.

For the record, and in Krabi's defense, I am sooo coming back here. I need at least a week for this place. It's a cool town in its own right, and it's so close to Railay and Ao Nang, which have the best climbing and are some of the most beautiful beach places in Thailand. But that's next time... here's this time:

Because of the poor planning I mentioned earlier, I only had 4 hours to look around town before jumping on a bus (tightly packed minivan) back to Phuket to find a hotel by the airport, as my flight left at 10:30 the next morning.
 Here's the bus station (bus drivers in green vests on the right)

This is how you wear your seat belt in Thailand.

Considering my particular bus driver was, as Fro Jon would say, a baller... I reverted to my US tendencies and put on my seat belt. Driving in Thailand is frightening at best, but I will say this, people do get out of the way for one another and there is a lot more consideration for fast drivers, which is not an American trait.

After a 2.5 hour bus ride, I arrived in Hat Nai Yang and found a gorgeous little beach bungalow called Ruan Mai San Ngam Resort to sleep for the right on the beach. It was the prettiest place... and the cheapest at 800B. The water was 20 meters from my doorstep.
There's my spot on the right. Well deserved after a crappy day.

I took a walk on the beach and ate some Mangosteens.
Then I walked around town and really treated myself with a thai foot massage. Wow this lady was buff and I had to tell her "cha" which means slow ha! It was really enjoyable though, they use this stick thingy on pressure points and do all sorts of flexing and deep tissue. I spent time talking with the ladies learning Thai and one of them gave me an extra aloe vera back and chest massage for free! So I tipped her good of course.

 Upon leaving my bamboo bungalow in the morning, this sign greeted me.
Friends, I miss you all for every too!

That was my night, flying to Chiang Mai next :)


  1. So sorry you got hurt. Hope you feel better soon. Looks like you are really enjoying yourself. Love Auntie Carol

    1. Thanks Aunt Carol. I'm feeling better, how are you feeling after your heart was hurting? I'm glad you're well enough to be watching my blog!

  2. Hope your finger will recover soon. I like that fruit:) but it's hard to get into it.

  3. I forgot about the seatbelt thing there. And, just for the record, Humboldt County is notorious for bad manners when it comes to faster traffic but super polite to merging traffic - because it's always better to get in front of someone who is going much faster than you to let someone on the highway - so NOT normal and only found in Humboldt County.
