Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Maya Bay

Maya Bay was such a fun trip! This is me upon arrival right before sunset. They took us snorkeling on the way there and we saw a school of dolphins! Hilariously, our tour guides Coco and Nemo would throw some food into the water right around your face and you'd be swarmed by tropical fish. I ventured away from the boat and saw incredible corals, brightly colored strangely shaped fish. The water is feels like 70 degrees F. It's amazingly comfortable. They dropped me off to swim to the neighboring cove and we climbed up a cool Thai style entryway/stairway to walk through the jungle to Maya bay:

I met some wonderful people and had a great time. They fed us 2 dinners of excellent Thai food and then we partied late into the night. Our ticket came with 2 buckets ( literally mixed drinks in a bucket)
Hanging out on the beach.

Lovely ladies: Carolina and Alexia... and a bucket.

Sunset on Maya Bay.

I met these guys from Taiwan, they were so friendly and welcoming.
The girl on the left is also named Serena! 

My friends from Taiwan all deliberated, and showed me how to phonetically write Serena.

Here's all of us!

These are my favorite comedians :) Richie and Laura

The walk to through the jungle to the other bay takes 3 minutes.

We slept right on the beach with the open sky, full moon, and water at our feet. It even rained a flash storm for a little but it was so warm it didn't matter. Being wet was just as comfortable as being dry! Amazing.

Waking up view on the beach. They provided a mat, sleeping bag, and pillow.

Here's Nemo on the left, and CoCo on the right.
They provided much hilarity and kindness.

Well friends, more to come later :) I stayed in Phi Phi the next night and had some awesome partying. I'll post that one soon.


  1. Wow, this looks like so much fun. Glad you are experiencing all these wonderful adventures. xo xo

  2. Love, love your pix Athena. You are a wonderful photographer.
    xoxo mom

  3. Uh, Yeah, you are rocking it over there, girl... Great to see all the pictures and adventures you are jumping into. I love you. - Loski

  4. Cool, another Serena!

  5. I love looking at your pics and learning about your adventure! Thank you for sharing your journey with us :) Can't wait to read and see more!

  6. This is truly amazing, Athena! Love you!
