Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fox Glacier

Fox Glacier
Halfway or so down the coast is an amazing set of glaciers. We chose to do a day trip on the Fox Glacier and I'm so glad we did! Just looking through these pictures to select some made me catch my breath.
This place is monumental, beyond capture in any way.
So here goes...

 First view of the glacier.

 This is a blurry picture of a possum trap! 
The possum are from Australia and are treated like an infestation. 
They rip apart the delicate balance of flora and fauna of the NZ ecosystem.

 Glacier water filtered through moss. I drank right from this!

Every day the ice would melt and refreeze in the night.
Our guides re-cut steps in the steep areas every day. 

 The glacier is littered with many of these holes.
These are melting points that connect to much larger streams
and rivers below the ice. Most people who fall down don't come out.
I did hear a story of one lucky glacier walker who fell down one, 
and was carried 2 miles under the glacier in the dark to come out
 at the foot of the glacier... LUCKKKYYYY. 

 Check out this awesome serac (column of ice)

 Great action shot of Dan, our fearless leader.
He let us crash at his place that night with all his mountain guide friends.
Super fun!

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