Saturday, January 12, 2013

Buller Gorge

On the day we drove the long stretch from Abel Tasman to the West Coast of Southern New Zealand, we kept being teased by beautiful glimpses of the river in the gorge below. I just KNEW there was a way to get down there... my Northern California experience taught me that sometimes you just have to trust your gut and follow a road that you hope will take you where you want to go. Sometimes you end up where you want, sometimes it takes 2 or 3 shots... but eventually you get to the river :p... Nor-Cal lesson #249: Persistence pays off, people!

 Whew! The water was cold :)

 Alright everyone... One... Two............ ROELINDA?!?!

 I walked on water for a split second :)

 It was worth all the work getting here!

I made us a to-go tuna salad for lunch by the water, the fish got lucky with leftovers.

Warm sun and cold water makes me happy!

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