Friday, February 15, 2013

To Rio

With our adventure in Salvador drawing to a close,
we donned our Brazil t-shirts for a wonderfully nerdy flight to Rio.
Bye Erin! Have fun adventuring in Bahia!

Our first views of some of the favelas in Rio.

View of the Christo Redentor Statue so famous in Rio.
It's massive!

After we arrived at our hotel we walked around for a while and found some early carnaval celebrators. This attractive young *ahem* lady is one of the many examples of the amazing costumes people wear! It is incredibly popular for men to cross dress in gay and straight crowds alike!

We see this street pattern everywhere.

Cool sand castle on Copacabana beach.
Here's the awesome pool on the 18th floor of our hotel, it has a beach view too!

 We're getting excited for carnaval. 
Here's a sneak peek of the kind of costumes on display at the Sambódromo!

Sooo excited to have found a very nice vendor for costumes.
We're bringing the spirit of samba home with us!

Here's a great example of the typical beach dress.
The girl is wearing one of the larger bikini bottoms by the way.
It's practically a diaper, as they lovingly refer to American style bikinis.
Oh ya, and the guy on the right is just awesome.

Getting ready to costume up and go out on the town for some Rio Blocos.
PS. the blocos really ARE better in Salvador, just like people said!
(and beer's cheaper... which is saying enough.)

A picture of the metró station close to our hotel.

This metró station turns jam-packed during rush hour and carnaval.
We had the fortune... or misfortune... of taking it on the way to the sambodromo later.
That was a memorable experience.
I doubt I had an inch of air space around me for the 30 minutes it took to arrive..

Cool street art.

Oh Brazillian TV how I adore you!

 We were recommended a very fancy restaurant named Marius Crustáceus in Copacabana.
It's an all you can eat buffet of incredibleness surrounded by an eclectic nautical interior.
Matt and Sherry I thought of you guys in here!

 The interior of Marius.

 I ate so much here that I was literally sick the next day. They keep bringing you all of these different cuts of meat and seafood... I couldn't stop. Well I sure did stop the next day, I spent most of it nauseated and in bed. Too much red meat... TOO MUCH FUN! The other girls were fine... sigh.

Next post... CARNAVAL!!!

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