Tuesday, February 5, 2013

São Paulo food, street art, and prep for Carnaval!

A store for carnaval supplies on famous Rua 25 de Março.
 Elaine took me to Rua 25 de Março to see the  fun shopping district where everyone goes to get the best prices in town on all sorts of items. I was able to find some nice presents for friends at home... (wink wink)

Me on Rua 25.

Some of the intricate masks available for your fantasias (costumes).

 And since I can't stop thinking about it...
The amazing cake that Elaine and her mom made me. :) 

 This is Elaine's beautiful house. I miss it their family and home.

This was my room, it is usually reserved for their son, Matheus.

So... I can't get the stupid program to make these pictures upright so here comes the head-turner section.
 This is the costume Elaine will wear for Carnaval.

 Surprisingly it is very light, and incredibly affordable.
Only around R$250 ($175). shocking!

 Another of the costumes to be paraded this year.

 The queen of the parade!

A video from the VIP booth above the X-9 Escola de Samba of rehearsal!


 I can't remember what this is, but whoah!

 These roots and coconut were the two main ingredients in my cake.
Who would have thought?! They are delicious!

São Paulo has some super interesting graffiti artists. There are cool works all over the city, ranging from the traditional tag lettering to intricate works of art. These are only a few of the beautiful ones I captured.

This is a very famous graffiti artist's work, his pieces can be seen all over the city in the same style.

Elaine and Marcus took me to an amazing restaurant just outside the city in the forest.  This place  was incredible, it  seemed almost like a Tuscan villa. You can  have all you can  eat  here for around R$25  ($13) It was some  of the most delicious food!  I´ve  gotta say, Elaine and Marcus  know  how to eat  and  find the best  foods  in  São Paulo! They also took me  to an awesome hot dog place  that  covers their  hot dogs with mashed  potatoes, it  was so  good (and this is coming from someone who  doesn't eat hot dogs

The courtyard of the restaurant.

  All  of the  food  is laid  out on a giant  stove that they
continually keep hot with logs and fire throughout the day.

Closeup of the food for Serena and Annie!

I love this beautiful Family!
Elaine is sporting the earrings I made for her as a thank you!

 MMM Tasty!

Marcus is very dedicated and graduated after attending night  school for  4 years and supporting his family  as well. What a guy! I got  to see him graduate with the family. They are such wonderful people and so welcoming.
Parabens Marcus!

 Elaine and I at the ceremony.
Matheus, Just like daddy :)

Thanks again for such a great trip, videos to come later when they actually upload... the internet is so slooooow here.

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