Saturday, February 2, 2013

São Paulo e a família Fomseca

Elaine and I first met on I am so thankful for this website because it helped me to find some amazing people and places. When I arrived in Sao Paulo after a long day of riding the bus from Rio, Elaine greeted me at the bus station and took me to her beautiful home. Elaine and her family are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They found my general SP couch request and invited me to their home without me even asking them because they could see I am interested in the culture and way of life of Brazilians. They gave me a truly unique experience. Especially when it comes to caring, and FOOODDDDD! Oh my gosh.

My first night in town they took me to the X-9 Samba School.
It was basically a semi-dress rehearsal for Carnaval where they sing their schools theme song and perform all night. People can pay to come watch and dance but we didn't have to because Marcus has family high up in the school. This picture is taken from the VIP room above the revelry!
The sign in the back saying "ninguém dorme" means "no one sleeps"

 There are many different sections of performers
with coordinated movements for each section. 

 One of the costumes to be paraded.

PS. I have videos of this coming but none of the computers have been able to upload them yet...
so.. later!
When I first arrived Elaine and her mother had prepared a delicious cake made out of mandioca for me. It's a very typical dessert of the area. And deliscious! Thanks family! They have a very close family. Elaine's mother comes over every day and spends time with their 8 year old son, Matheus. The drinks you see are also typical Brazilian drinks. They did such a nice job of giving me a taste of this area, literally!

Elaine and Marcus, sweethearts for 11 years :)
These are some of the best on the planet, if you have the chance, learn português and meet them :P

and here it comes Annie and Serena, as requested!...
They took me to a very famous restaurant in São Paulo, Mocotó!
Caipirinhas, Farofa, Torresminhos, Carpacho de Carne-de-Sol, and much more!

One extremely happy girl.
Our dessert plate! Cheese, thick Coconut with fried coconut on top,
pumpkin, and some other amazing fruit I can't remember the name of

So this is mocotó. Which they basically forced me to try.
It's made of bone marrow and foot jelly and all sorts of nasty stuff that they promised tastes good. 
So I tried a bite then let them eat it. Oyyy, what a gringa.
I told them to next time make their guest try it before explaining :P
Sorry, the picture is on it's side. But I've been waiting to find a computer that will make this work, and I'm tired of waiting to make this post. I wish it this website of these computers would work.

Elaine and Marcus have spoiled me rotten, and my life is brighter because of them. Now that I'm about to leave here and go to Salvador, I'm already sorry to leave their home and family. I'm going to update this posrt when I can actually upload photos and videos. So far the computers here have been failing me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an awesome experience!! Thank you for the food pictures, they are much appreciated. Wow! I might have to try a bunch of meat with red onions and baby tomatoes! Thank you, Elaine, for hosting my sister!!
