Monday, March 5, 2012

Sailing the Lion

Mom and I went sailing around the Bay of Islands today. There are 150 islands scattered all around the area. It was the perfect day, sunny and warm. OK well a real sailor would say it was almost perfect, because there was no wind in the morning, it picked up by lunch though. The boat we sailed was called the Lion New Zealand, it's an 80 ft maxi yacht buildt the year I was born for the Americas Cup, which it won the year after its creation. It went on to do an around the world sail competition and came in 2nd place. It's beautiful! And I wasn't just posing for that picture, I sailed it!

Sailing is awesome :)

I was a regular grinder! I had such a fun time! I got to grind, steer, tack, and rig it!

 Mom and I at the prow.

Here's a smaller boat we raced...

 I love this picture of Mom. I was going to take her picture,
then the boat rocked suddenly, we both moved, and the picture became candid, beautiful!

I even got to steer when it we did a full tack,
it was pretty tough holding this 110ft tall sailboat against a wind at full tack!
This boat can lean over so far that the railing submerges... hold on!

On the Lion.

Here's some pictures of the islands.


This is an island we stopped at for lunch, kayaking, snorkeling, and hiking.
Mom and I swam to the island and back, it was so much fun.
We just stayed in the water super long because it was so warm.

 From the top of the island.

There's the boat from the top of the island,
I swam out to is island you see on the left, once I got there though the ground was covered with sharp barnacles and shells so I just looked at it up close and swam back, ha!

We saw so many dolphins this day! They were even jumping out of the water 3 at a time all together.


Day's end, thanks Lion!
This day was full of much sunbathing, sailing, snorkelling, swimming, and hiking.
A perfect adventure for the Bay of Islands!


  1. Those are some beautiful pictures and videos. I'm so jealous!!! We are going to leave in a couple weeks:)

    1. Awesome! Except that when I get home you won't be there! Miss you!

    2. Another week. We are leaving on 21st. Not too long. I will try to take some pictures when I get back home. My parents told me that there are huge changes since we left two years ago:) We'll be back and we'll see you. xoxoxo
