Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cape Reinga and the Meeting of the Seas

Mom and I took the very long and windy drive up to scenic Cape Reinga. This is the most northern tip of New Zealand. It's a very spiritual place for the Maori, and its easy to see why when you arrive. This is the place that is believed to be the sending grounds for their spirits.

As I write this now I am using a French computer, all of the letters are mixed around so forgive any mistypes. Everything is underlined in the angry red of error since I'm writing in English anyway.

The entrance to the walk at Cape Reinga.

Te Werahi Beach.
This is your view to the left as you walk along the trail to the tip of New Zealand.

The coast east of New Zealand's tip.

The spiritual sending grounds of the Maori.

This is the spot where the spirits go when they die. There is a spring at the bottom of the tree you see that juts off the side of the rock. The spirits descend down the roots of this tree to the bottom where there is a spring of water. In order to pass into the afterlife, the spirit must drink from this spring.

The lighthouse.

Mom and I... a short stroll from LA.

Mom and I :)

This is where the Pacific Ocean of the east meets the Tasman Sea of the west. The Maori people believe it to be representative of male and female coming together to create life. Check it out, you can actually see the waters joining!