Saturday, February 18, 2012

River Days in Hamilton

 Riley jumping off the pier.

Even though the work week is mostly comprised of Serena and I running errands and taking care of the kids, we get out on weekends for adventures when Riley is home from work. Both last weekend and this weekend we went to the Waikato River for a day of fun in the sun on the water!

 I found a bead anklet.

This was Jo Jo's first time to the river, and it turned out to be so much fun! She was a bit hesitant at first, but soon enough she was coming to us in the water and letting us pass her back and forth and swim her around in circles. That was wonderful to experience with her!

 Come here Jo Jo!

 You did it!

 Love this girl!

Joelle's leap of faith...
she eventually trusted us enough to pass her back and forth in the water.

 Joelle loves Da Da!

Feeding the ducks with Jo Jo.
Whoa look at that throw, you can see the bread mid-air!

The Duck Destroyer
Poor chap was unsuccessful so don't take his name too seriously.

Jo Jo and I went on a walk together by the river and we found some more ducks to feed.

The Brave One.

 Jo Jo's spa treatment.
Start with exfoliation...

 ...then move to Swedish Massage...

...the Big Finish - the back cracker.
She's available for hire. Will work for raisins.
Or for tacos, which we found out means crackers.

 Random side note... the Golden Kiwi.
These babies are not tangy like their green cousin,
they are only grown here in New Zealand
and cost you $2 each!! I had to try one of course.

Serena, Caleb, and Jo

What was Caleb doing this whole time, you ask? 

Sleeping and avoiding the sun of course!

What does he do when he's not sleeping? 
He grunts.

More grunting.
He grunts like this all through the night even,
Serena is able to sleep through it after much practice.

One of the reasons why he grunts.


  1. Somebody give taht kid some metamucil - he looks tortured.

    1. Seriously. But lemme tell ya, he has abs of steel.
