Thursday, February 9, 2012

The not-so-baby-person whining about the babies.

Wow, it's been a crazy week so far. Serena and I are domestic baby slaves. It's amazing how ones schedule can be so uneventful and yet so completely jam-packed all at once. Caleb is 9 days old, and I haven't really had any time to make any posts till now. I'm actually sacrificing valuable nap time while Joelle is down for a nap just to write this short little thing!

I think Joelle has now nominated me Mommy #2, which is sweet, and helpful for Serena since she needs to give Caleb so much attention. Joelle wants attention too, and will often go to whoever is holding Caleb and whine to be picked up. Serena and I kept trading Caleb back and forth till we figured out Joelle just wanted whoever had him! Maybe a BIT of jealousy is surfacing. It's been kind of tough lately because Joelle's teething 4 big side teeth, is waking up every night in the middle of the night crying, and is very grumpy lately. I think it must be very painful so I feel a bit sorry for her, but man, I'm seeing her dark side too! Fortunately her dark side is not so bad, but with so much going on it can ware on you. So anyway, she's been very whiny the last few days so it's time for me whine at you now. SORRY! I'm still so glad to be here to help Serena, I'm just telling the story as I see it in each moment :)

Though I do fine with them for the most part, I'm not really a little kid person. I never know what to say to connect to them, and sometimes the whole 100% attention on them thing gets to me. Maybe it's not for me, I don't know, at least not for a while yet. I'm not interested in being that selfless or scheduled. Usually, Joelle is a suuuper good kid. I really like her, but even though I like her more than any little kid I've ever met I still don't know if I'd want one. I just want to sleep through the night!  OK it's 1:30pm and I'm going to bed now.

1 comment:

  1. You are a sweetie pie and I love you. You are amazing to help Serena out and I know it is hard and trying. Love to all,
