Saturday, April 13, 2013


Meet Natalia at praia Campeche!
This lovely lady hosted me for a week in Florianópolis (Floripa)
Thanks to Natalia, her wonderful roomates, and her car! She drove me all over Floripa and showed me all of her favorite spots to go to the beach, to eat food, and just enjoy! Tenho saudades de você, Natalia!

 One of the many beautiful views Natalia made sure I saw.
She was the most fabulous tour guide!

 Look at these gorgeous sand dunes, we had to run down them!

 Natalia and I both love to cook, so we made food together all the time!
I miss your salad dressing, girl. I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT'S IN IT!!!!

 "Welcome to Campeche Beach"

 Look at this strange snail...
isn't our planet amazing?

 Natalia took me to one of the cutest places that had a great outdoor seating area to enjoy the night in. I love how everything is always outdoors here, the weather is so nice, why be inside?! San Diego... we could learn a few things from the Brazilians.

Here's a very typical meal:
Fish, rice, potatoes and salad with lettuce and tomato.
The only thing missing... feijoada e farofa
(beans with pork and toasted manioc flour to sprinkle on top)

Hercilio Luz Bridge.
Reminds me of somewhere I've been before.... 

 I decided to take a solo day and explore the Island. There are many amazing places to see, and with Natalia's recommendation I decided on Barra da Lagoa. This picture is of the lagoa (lake) on the way there.

 Quick snapshot of the Lagoa da Conceição
from the bus.

 More cool shots along the way...

 This is the channel of water that connects the Lagoa da conceição to the sea. To the left is the beach of Barra da Lagoa, and if you cross this bridge and head up into the small town on the right, you can find a tiny little hidden beach and a beautiful nature hike that takes you to some cool rock formations.

 Life along the channel.

 Winding my way through the town to get to my hidden beach!

 One thing I loved about being here is the abundance of originality in buildings, decorations, and random findings everywhere you go. The colors feel brighter to me somehow.

My little beach. 

 This is along the trail to the rocks. 

 I found a fisherman!

 And the fisherman found fish! This was his 3rd try, that's food for a month!

Thank you, Floripa.
Much more to come from this beautiful place and her people.